The Houston Seminar “Kansas City Explored” Study Tour Registration Forms

October 24-27, 2024. Please fill out one form for each traveler.

Traveler Information

Emergency Contact Information

If a couple is traveling together, please designate an alternate contact of someone not on the study tour.

Release of Claims, Cancellation Policy

RELEASE OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE HOUSTON SEMINAR I, the undersigned, wish to participate in a seminar and related travel, accommodations, dining, tours, and/or other offerings (collectively: “the seminar”) put on by, referred to me by or ordered or coordinated through the Houston Seminar (“HS”). I understand that the HS • is a non-profit organization that is presenting a seminar; • may notify me of or facilitate my enrollment in activities related to the seminar; • is not acting as my agent, insurer, or guarantor; • is not undertaking any responsibility for my safety in any way, to any extent; • offers participation to adults who are willing to incur the risks and uncertainties of travel; and • charges fees for seminars and offerings that reflect its non-profit status and its limited role. In consideration of the opportunity to participate in the seminar being offered and of the price charged for it, and as an inducement to the HS to put on the seminar and accept my enrollment on the terms offered, I RELEASE, ACQUIT and FOREVER DISCHARGE the Houston Seminar from any and all claims, demands, actions, and causes of action of any kind whatsoever that I may later have or acquire, arising from or connected with the HS’s sponsorship, presentation, operation or coordination of the seminar I will attend, based upon any injury or harm of any kind to me, including but not limited to personal or bodily injury, death, injury to, loss or theft of or destruction of property, or economic loss, including all damages and legal expense arising from or recoverable for them regardless of the type or nature of the claim or cause of action I might have otherwise been able to state against THS, whether for negligence (including gross negligence), breach of contract, breach of warranty, misrepresentation, fraud, violations of any consumer protection law or other statute, or any other ground of recovery. This release applies to all such claims and causes of action for injury or harm of any kind, even if caused by the negligence (sole or partial, simple or gross) of the Houston Seminar or any other act or omission indicating sole or partial culpability or responsibility on its part for the harm to me. The intent of this release is to avoid the HS having any liability to me for any claim or injury of any kind, based upon acts, omissions and resulting harm that may yet occur. Any claims made or lawsuits filed against the HS by the undersigned, his or her heirs, administrators, assignees or beneficiaries or anyone else seeking damages or relief from the HS shall be governed by the substantive law of the State of Texas, excluding conflict of laws rules.

Travel Registration and Cancellation Policy

Reservations will be made on a first come-first served basis upon receipt of a $500 deposit, the Reservation and Deposit Form, and the signed Release of Claims form. Payment in full is due on August 24, 2024. Reservations received after August 24, 2024, may be accepted if space is available and payment is made in full. Your reservation is not confirmed until you have received written confirmation from the Houston Seminar. If payment in full for the tour is not made by August 24, 2024, your reservation will be canceled, and your $500 deposit will be forfeited. Should the Houston Seminar cancel the tour for any reason, your deposit and any additional payments will be refunded in full. Should you have to cancel for any reason, you must notify the Houston Seminar in writing. For cancellations before August 24, 2024, all payments, less the $500 deposit, will be refunded. A cancellation between August 24, 2024, and September 24, 2024, will result in the forfeiture of your $500 deposit plus 50% of all other amounts paid. After September 24, 2024, cancellation will result in the forfeiture of 100% of all amounts paid. We recommend that you consider purchasing travel insurance.