Ralph Blumenthal

Ralph Blumenthal spent 45 years as a New York Times reporter — chronicling the wars in Vietnam and Cambodia, divided Germany, the hunt for missing Nazi war criminals, political corruption,…
Houston Seminar

William Middleton

William Middleton is a journalist and editor who has worked in New York and Paris. He has been the Fashion Features Director for Harper’s Bazaar and the Paris Bureau Chief…
Houston Seminar

Kathryn O’Rourke

Kathryn O’Rourke is a Professor of the History of Art at Trinity University. She earned a B.A. in Architecture from Wellesley College and a M.A. and Ph.D. in the History…
Houston Seminar

Rafael Longoria

Rafael Longoria is an ACSA Distinguished Professor of Architecture at the University of Houston. His areas of research include economic determinants of urban form, and architecture and planning in the cities of…
Houston Seminar

Jim Blackburn

Jim Blackburn is a practicing environmental lawyer, a professor in the practice of environmental law in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at Rice University, and the CEO of BCarbon.…
seth Mittag

Stephen Fox

Stephen Fox is an architectural historian and a lecturer at the Rice University School of Architecture. He is also a lecturer at the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture at…
seth Mittag

Joseph Campana

Joseph Campana is a poet, arts writer, and scholar of Renaissance literature. He is the author of The Pain of Reformation: Spenser, Vulnerability and the Ethics of Masculinity (Fordham UP,2012),…
seth Mittag

Kevin Prufer

Kevin Prufer is the author of nine poetry collections and the editor of many books on literary translation, literary publishing, and European and American poetry. He is also the recipient…
seth Mittag

Alvia Wardlaw

Alvia Wardlaw is Curator and Director of the University Museum at Texas Southern University, an institution central to the development of art by African Americans in Houston. She also is a…
Houston Seminar

Doreen Stoller

Doreen Stoller is president of the Hermann Park Conservancy and has successfully led the Conservancy's efforts at Hermann Park for more than eighteen years. Under her direction, the Conservancy launched…
Houston Seminar